Liberty City (GTA IV era)
Liberty City, officially City of Liberty, is a North American city in Liberty State, based on New York City, and is the setting of GTA IV. Liberty City was already featured as setting for previous GTA's, but the city has been completely redesigned for GTA IV. GTA IV is the first GTA to depict Liberty City as a city with a high number of buildings that strongly resemble their real counterpart in New York. Examples include the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty (which is parodied as the Statue of Happiness).
The city is the largest city of GTA thus far. The city is not as big as the state San Andreas in GTA San Andreas, but this is compensated by the fact Liberty City does not have large empty areas such as deserts. It is not possible to enter all buildings, but several buildings and skyscrapers will be accessible by staircases or lifts.
Liberty City has an airport, although you can only fly helicopters and not fly planes in GTA IV. This airport is called Francis International Airport, as it was in GTA III. Furthermore, the well-known elevated subway, the Tw@ internet cafe, a highway with working toll booths, several bridges, a ferry and cable tram are present.
WikiGTA panorama
Liberty City consists of four of the five boroughs of New York: Algonquin (Manhattan); Bohan (the Bronx); Broker (Brooklyn) and Dukes (Queens). Additionally, a part of New Jersey will be present in Liberty City with the name Alderney. Each borough has its own island, except Broker and Dukes, which share one island.
Broker is set on an island to the east of Algonquin, together with Dukes. Niko Bellic arrives at Broker when the storyline of GTA IV starts, as his cousin Roman has a small appartment and taxi business here. Broker is the part of Liberty City where most Eastern Europeans live.
- Broker Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
- Broker Navy Yard (Brooklyn Navy Yard)
- Funland (Astroland)
- Soldiers Plaza
Dukes is situated above Broker and is based on Queens.
- Francis International Airport
- LC24 Tower (One Court Square, Citicorp Building)
- Liberty State Pavillion Towers
- National Union of Contemporary Arts
- Steinway Beer Garden
- The Monoglobe
Bohan is an island set in the north east of the city and is the smallest of the five boroughs of Liberty City. Bohan is based on the Bronx, the infamous part of New York. The name 'Bohan' is also used as a another word for the skin which connects the penis with the scrotum.
Algonquin is the commercial center of Liberty City, just like Manhattan, where you will most likely find yourself between skyscrapers. The island is set in the center of the city and is one of its biggest. Its name is a reference to its native inhabitants, the 'Algonquin' tribe, while 'Manhattan' is the same word in another language of another tribe. Just below Algonquin is Happiness Island, where you will find the Statue of Happiness.
- Charge Island (Randalls-Wards Island)
- Civilization Committee (United Nations)
- Civic Citadel (World Financial Center)
- Cleetorphes Tower
- Columbus Cathedral (St. Patrick's Cathedral)
- Colony Island (Roosevelt Island)
- Grand Easton Terminal
- Happiness Island (Liberty Island)
- Heli Tours
- Middle Park (Central Park)
- Randolf Art Center
- Rotterdam Tower (Empire State Building)
- Star Junction (Times Square)
- Statue of Happiness (Statue of Liberty)
- Zirconium Building (Chrysler Building)